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Privacy Policy

Last Modified:  23 June 2023




Hello! Welcome to the "Do it!" App Privacy Policy.

"Do it!"  Ukraine company operates the "Do it!" App Apps and the "Do it!" App  and is committed to protecting your privacy.

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) details the personal data "Do it!" App receives about you, how we process it, and your rights and obligations in relation to your personal data. "Do it!", a company registered at Sports Square, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000, is the data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and any relevant local legislation (“Data Protection Laws”).

By using or accessing the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy as well as to our Terms and Conditions of Service.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions of Service, which is accessible on the "Do it!" App website unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using the Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to name, email and age.

We have limited the number of personal information collected to a strict minimum to operate the Service efficiently. Our practices with regards to data relating to children are very strict. Although most data collected are about parents, we also collect your kid’s age to tailor their experiences of the Service. The app does use third-party services that may collect information used to identify you but do not include any third-party advertising. You can request a copy to review and delete the information "Do it!" has collected about you anytime through an email to

Information Collected

When you use our App, we collect the following data voluntarily provided by parents/guardians through their interface:

 • email address;

 • chosen password;

 • cookies on "Do it!" App website;

 • child name/nickname;

 • child age;

 • child gender.

 • IP address.

We do not collect any information from children. Our website uses “cookies” to collect information and improve the Service. A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer tied to information about the user. We use session ID cookies to confirm that users are logged in. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the cookie feature; however, you should note that cookies may be necessary to provide you with certain features available on the Service.

We also collect the following non-personal information:

 • tasks and rewards selected and rate of success,

 • device type and OS version,

 • other information from the use of the Service.

Information Processed

We collect and process personal data from parents/guardians voluntarily:

 • When you first download the App, we collect technical information and identifiers such as type and OS version to improve and optimize your experience of the Service;

 • When you register as a parent/guardian to the service, we manage personal and non-personal data through the Firebase back-end platform. Data includes Device Information, Log-in Data, IP address, log in location, tasks, and rewards. We will ask for a parent/guardian email and a chosen password.


 • If you decide to log-in with Facebook or Google, we will use Facebook Graph and Google API respectively for identification and push notifications purposes. You can read more about their privacy policies:

 ◦ Facebook Graph Privacy Policy (

 ◦ Google API Privacy Policy ( 

 • When you pay for the Service, we process information though third-party payment processing services such as Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.


You can read more about their privacy policies:

 ◦ Apple App Store Privacy Policy (

 ◦ Google Play Privacy Policy ( 

 • When you complete a customer survey or provide feedback on our Service, we collect any personal info that you voluntarily choose to share with us through forms or surveys. 

 • When you request technical support, we collect any personal info that you voluntarily choose to share with us through email.

 • When you subscribe to our newsletter, we do manage our contact lists of parents subscribing to our newsletter through a third party. Those email addresses are not shared and are only used for that purpose. You can get more information through HubSpot’s privacy policy here. ( 

 • When you navigate through the "Do it!" App Service intended for adults, we do track visits through the Google Network (Analytics, Ads) and the Facebook Pixel. You can read more about their privacy policies:

 ◦ Google Network Privacy Policy (

 ◦ Facebook Pixel Privacy Policy ( 

Do not Track (“DNT”) signals

California law requires that operators of website and online services disclose how they respond to a Do Not Track signal and whether other third parties may collect personally identifiable information about an individual’s online activities from their site or service. At this time, "Do it!" does not currently respond to Do Not Track signal.


Use of Information

We use the information parents/guardian provide voluntarily us to:

 • manage the account;

 • understand the apps and sites usage to improve the Service;

 • provide with technical support;

 • contact you about new features or new app;

 • manage your child’s events, alerts and eventually rewards;

 • respond to you about any inquery you have submitted.

Your access and control to information

"Do it!" keeps your content and data for as long as necessary to provide its service. If you want to review or delete your or your child’s information, or you want to opt out of our services, contact us at

Account Deletion

If you decide to stop using the Service and delete your "Do it!" App Account, go to the “Account” tab in the Carer Admin Profile, press “Delete Account” and follow the instructions.

Child privacy protection

We built our mobile applications in order to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We don’t knowingly collect personal information from children, unless we previously obtain specific parental consent. We also strongly believe that ads and in-app purchases should not be part of the children’s experience.

"Do it!" allows parents/guardians to set up family account and create profiles for themselves and their children.

Persons under the age of 13 (or any higher age in the jurisdiction where that person resides) are not permitted to create a family account on our Service unless their parent/guardian has consented. If you become aware that your child has provided us with Personal Information without your consent, please contact us. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 13. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with Personal Information, we will take steps to remove such information and terminate the Child’s Account.


Our App is not directed to individuals under the age of 13, and individuals under 13 are prohibited from downloading our App. Although our App is designed to also be used by a child, our licensee with respect to the App is to the parent/guardian who has downloaded the App and who uses the App.

With regards to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”), "Do it!" only collects personal information from children under the age of 13 for the sole purpose of performing internal operations of the Service.

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